Wednesday, March 21, 2012

21 weeks- are we there yet?

I still have no idea how to upload photo so you can click and make them bigger, sorry Jessica!  I'm looking a little rough anyways so bigger is not always better.  But here I am, this morning at 21 weeks.   I had to get Chase to take the picture this morning because I was wearing black and blended in with the couch behind me when I took the photo in the mirror.  LOL.  Aaaand because I had Chase take the picture I couldn't keep making him re-do them until I was happy -so excuse the tired look and the messy hair:

So what's going on at 21 weeks?
I'm swollen.  My legs have what's called "pitting edema"- I can push my finger in to my shin and I get a pit. I know pregnant ladies swell but I didn't think that would happen so soon. I've decided to cut out basically all salty foods (good bye Salt and Vinegar pringles) and see if that helps some. 
My boobs have a mind of their own.   I had to go to Target this morning because I needed to buy a new bra.  Chase doesn't seem to mind the increase in volume there.  LOL.  I actually had to go up 2 sizes- sheesh.  I hate to think where I'm going to end up!
My shoes are a little tight but I refuse to give up my heels.
I've got my energy back-  We had tons of company this week and we are expecting even more.  My parents came and stayed for a week and overlapped my brother and sister in law from Illinois for a few days.  My parent left Sunday and my brother left last night.    Chase's Dad, brother, sister and all the significant others will come up on Friday- so we can add another 6 guests, 2 dogs (in addition to ours), and possibly one child? to the mix.  I'm glad I can stay up past 8:30 now.  I'm also re-covering a rocker with grey corduroy and sewing a few crib sheets.  I also plan to recover the Boppy Pillow I got at the Just Between Friends Sale.  It was $7.00 and was the best deal ever considering the actual price of a Boppy.

Here's what Sprout is doing- 
We're up to nearly a pound now and the length of a banana. The fetus is steadily gaining fat to keep warm. Growth rate is slowing down but organ systems, like digestion, are continuing to mature. A waxy film, called the vernix caseosa, is being produced by your baby's oil glands and covers the skin to keep it supple in the amniotic fluid. Buds for permanent teeth are beginning to form. (from webmd
I read in another book that Sprout is drinking the amniotic fluid which apparently changes with what I eat.  The more varied MY diet is the more likely Sprout will be less of a picky eater.  Studies have shown that if a baby was exposed to certain foods/ flavors in utero they're more likely to like the food later.  I'm still not eating tomatoes.   
Sprout has been moving more and more.  Chase actually has felt a kick once or twice.  I think Sprout is doing leaps and kung-foo when she gets food she likes.  (as seen below!)

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